Crochet opens up endless opportunities to create textures. The yarn craft is a beautiful way to create interesting designs with crochet hooks. One such textured crochet beauty is the star stitch. The elegant stitch pattern is inspired by its name creating star-like designs creating a thick, cozy, and dense fabric. The crocheted stitches work perfectly for projects such as scarves, blankets and washcloths. It looks complex in the beginning but it's pretty simple. Expand your crochet skills with the gorgeous textural stitch. In this blog, let's learn to crochet the star stitch with Lantern Moon. How to Crochet the Star...
Do you want to crochet a project that is useful in your kitchen? There are plenty of options but a potholder is essential. Yarn, hot things, and fire may not seem a good combination, however, a potholder made with yarn is not only practical but also adds a personal touch to your kitchen. You can use it to pull out things from the oven or microwave and to hold hot handles. It is an easy and simple project to create with crochet hooks and yarn left over in your stash from previous projects. Are you excited? Great! This blog post...
Crochet is more than a craft, it is a journey and at each level you’re learning new things and creating masterpieces. What remains common throughout is yarn, crochet hooks and craft accessories. You learn to hold a hook first, making loops that are worked for chain and basic stitches moving forward to simple projects and advanced techniques. Understanding your skill level gives a proper direction to selecting the right patterns, choosing the right size of crochet hooks, and techniques. This blog will explore skills, tips, and projects suitable for different skill levels. Our guide on what you should know before...
The Kitchener Stitch is a handy knitting technique for grafting live stitches together without leaving a visible seam. Whenever you have stitches that are still on the knitting needles and want to seam invisibly seam for projects such as the toe of socks, sweater shoulders, underarms of garments, hats and mittens. The knitting technique does not require you to work with knitting needles; it only holds the stitches while you work with finishing needles, which is a must-have craft accessory. Kitchener Stitch involves a series of sewing steps using a length of yarn and a finishing needle that imitates knitted...