February’s Full Moon is called the “Snow Moon” – so named because it occurs when snow is often on the ground in the northeast area of the US. The Native American Indians also called it the Hunger Moon because it was a time of year when food was scarce and game was harder to find. (Interesting: Every moon has a name associated with it. To see the full list go here.)
During this time of year, and depending on where you are located, it’s also possible to see a cluster of planets (Venus, Mars and Mercury) visible in the early morning sky. For that reason, it’s considered a time of clarity and visibility.
As a knitter, I value clarity. It’s so easy to get lost in the world of beautiful yarns and accessories. I try and keep it simple but I admit I get carried away, even when I organize myself. Now that the Lantern Moon brand is back on the market (Yay!), I have another view into the world of organizational help and not only for my tools and accessories, but also my beautiful yarns.
You have a gorgeous, sometimes very expensive, ball of incredible yarn and you need to protect it as you knit with it. Lantern Moon’s incredible Knit Out Box is a satin knit 5” soft square with a key-hole opening, so that yarn can be threaded through while the skein of yarn is protected and kept away from kitty cat interference or entanglement. There’s a beautiful button closure which ensures that everything stays put and side handles for an easy move-about. What a pleasure!
If you are like any knitter I know, chances are you already have a bunch of different needles and tools in a variety of sizes. That’s why Lantern Moon has also created a variety of cases designed to help you organize specifically for size and type. Look at this incredible collection of useful, well designed, storage cases. You will find a case designed for just about any style of needle you may have. Apart from the cases designed for specific needle types, there are also some cases that you can customize for your favorite tools. This case is named “Knit-Aid” for good reason. With 6 pockets it can accommodate a variety of your tools and with the zip closure everything stays good and contained within.
Of course, if you decide you need some new needles, we cannot help but recommend the whole Lantern Moon line of needles. Crafted from legally grown and harvested Indian Ebony wood, these needles are the epitome of elegance and clarity in design. Read about them on our website and see why we are so proud of this line and what they represent.
Before I sign off (for now) I need to share one of Lantern Moon’s most popular accessories. I keep this little lamb close at hand whenever I’m working on something. I love using it to store my own often-used tools. She’s a nice reminder of the source of some of the yarns that help us create special things for ourselves and those we cherish.
Look for it on the website, and don’t forget to check out the adorable tape measures that Lantern Moon offers. They are sure to bring back memories and make you smile.
Well, I’ll be back soon when we’ll look at the March Moon and its influence on us. In the meantime, happy knitting under the Lantern Moon!